Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Awesome Indies Approved

The email said: 

You may now tell your readers that your book is ‘Awesome Indies Approved’ or ‘has been awarded a place on the Awesome Indies list of quality independent fiction.’

Not only that, it came with a badge of some sort, several in fact. A couple I could put on the cover of my book (The Chinese Spymaster) and one I could use on this blog/website. I have not figured out how one adds to one's cover and in any case am loath to tamper with the pixels; whatever they are, the word evokes pixies and I don't feel inclined to mess with them.

Asking around about all this, I was pulled up short by the challenge - "have you noticed any increase in your sales?" That I suppose is the point of the exercise, at least to this one of my fellow authors. But I rather like the idea that at this stage of my life, in its Third Act, I might actually get something like a gold star. That now seems so long ago and far away.

So here it is. From Awesome Indies.

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This review first appeared in Goodreads , Rao Pingru wrote this charming "graphic nov...